Custom built 308 efi turbo air filter box mounts with 2 bolts hooks up to stock air inlet.
Air filter box outlet bolts to corvette mass air sensor.
Inside view of air box.
Air filter box was built to hold late model firebird K&N air filter.
Inside view showing many pieces and 23 feet of welding.
L shaped custom stainless steel expansion tank doubles as a heat shield for the throttle body and mass air sensor.
Mustang throttle body mounted to corvette mass air sensor- throttle body clamps on turbo mass air sensor clamps on air filter box.
Stock 308 distributors have mechanical advance locked out. E.F.I. system T.D.C. sensor and Fuel Injection trigger are mounted in place of stock ignition points.
Corvette LS1 coils are mounted in pairs.
MSD Pro Stock Hemi boots modified to accept stock 308 spark plug well grommet. MSD 8.5 mm Pro Stock ignition wires connect coils to spark plugs.
High pressure electric fuel pump and matching fuel filter mounted near left side gas tank.
Fuel Pressure regulator mounted on right side, note identical left right fuel fittings from fuel rails to regulator.
Custom made fuel injector wiring harness, one of 3 wiring harnesses required.
E.F.I. fuel return required a ¼ N.P.T. aluminum fitting welded on right side fuel tank.
Prototype sheet metal blower manifold for original 308 turbo kit. Engine with this manifold did not idle until pointed plenum floor was changed to a flat floor.
Original production cast 2 piece 308 turbo manifold.
2nd generation 328 k jetronic blower manifold, note diffuser is split. This car had spectacular throttle response. We were never sure if it was the k jetronic system of the radical manifold design.
Original 308 carb. Blower manifold outfitted with E.F.I. nozzles fuel rails and regulator.
Close up showing nozzle bungs welded in runners, fuel rail mounts and regulator.
3 rd generation E.F.I. turbo blower manifold, note Pro Stock style runners and 328 style plenum.
3 inch dia, stainless steel turbo exhaust pipe, not shown is O2 sensor bung.
Turbo oil drain combines turbo oil drain and stock oil drain and vent system.