Website project car 308 Ferrari Turbo

Our web site project car is a 1977 308 with a E.F.I. turbocharger system. Original car was originally 200 hp, 12 m.p.g. with 4 weber carburetors, 2 dual point distributors, solid core wires and a mechanical advance ignition system.Today; 335 uncorrected rear wheel h.p. @7100 rpm and gets 20 m.p.g. @65m.p.h. A 1970 vintage Rayjay turbocharger utilizing a mass air coil over sequential E.F.I. system with a stand alone Edelbrock e.c.u. With exception of the design of the air box and the intake manifold, I designed and built the entire turbocharger system, installed it and did all the e.c.u. programming. With the exception of the fuel pump bracket, fuel tank return bung and 2 pem nuts to mount the expansion tank the entire turbo system is “a bolt on system”. This Car was dynamometer tested on the Power Plant chassis dynamometer in Poughkeepsie N.Y.